Former Indian batsman VVS Laxman has showered praise on the current Indian test captain Virat Kohli. Laxman said that Kohli has strong basics and is a complete batsman in all the formats of the game. Laxman said this at the event of Dilip Sardesai memorial lecture. While elaborating on Kohli, Laxman said, “The reason I mentioned a lot of Virat (Kohli) is because he knows his strengths and backs them. He is a conventional cricketer and has got strong basis. If you have to perform consistently in all the three formats, you should have strong basics, which Virat has. I feel Virat has a long way to go in Test match cricket and he will break all records. His average will be close to where his average currently is in ODIs and T20s. Virat is a complete batsman in this generation”.
Virat Kohli who is a right-handed batsman is often rated as one of the best batsmen in the world. In the ESPN‘s list of world’s most famous athletes in 2016 Kohli was ranked eighth. He plays for the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Virat Kohli, who is the current Indian test captain, holds the distinction of being the youngest Indian captain to win a test series abroad against Sri Lanka. He is also the first Indian captain to win 2 matches in West Indies. Kohli started his test debut on 20th June 2001 in the match against West Indies. On the other hand, his one-day debut was against Sri Lanka on 8th August 2008. Speaking about ODIs, Kohli happens to have scored the fastest century by an Indian cricketer in ODIs (52 balls).
Laxman, the legendary Indian batsman, is best remembered for his knock of 281 runs in the test match against Australia in 2001. Laxman’s knock led India to an excellent series-levelling victory against the Aussies.
Laxman also mentioned that KL Rahul has drawn huge influence from Kohli as far as batting in ODI is concerned. In this context, Laxman added, “K L Rahul has transformed himself into a good T20 player and I believe that Virat has a huge influence on the transformation of Rahul as he knows how to get runs in all three formats by playing in his normal, conventional, classical style.
Besides commenting about players Laxman also expressed his opinion on why Indians are averse to the DRS, “I am not convinced with the hawk-eye especially for the LBW decision. I am not convinced with that technology as yet. Because of that, BCCI too has got some kind of (objection) and is not allowing to execute it in a series where India is involved. There is a fixed mindset that everyone is thinking that BCCI is intentionally not taking the DRS, but I feel the technology should be fool-proof”.