The three-match One-Day International series between India and England started with the solid inning played by Kedar Jadhav. The boy from Maharashtra amazed the crowd and fellow teammates with his thrilling 120 run innings in 76 balls. He hit 12 boundaries and 4 Sixes which helped India to win the match by three wickets. Saurav Ganguly asserted that the inning played by Kedar Jadhav was extraordinary and was better than the 122 run stretch by Virat Kohli. He said “What a way he’s done it. I thought he played better than Virat Kohli. We always talk of Virat Kohli, but as I said, he played a better knock. Je came in under pressure 63 for 4. It’s different coming at 31 for/1 and 63 for 4. So you got to give credit to Jadhav. He was exceptional.”
In the first ODI of the three-match series, England batted first and put a target of 351 runs after losing seven wickets. Indian team gathered 56 runs before losing the wicket of Yuvraj Singh in 11th Over. Former Indian ODI captain MS Dhoni did not stay on the pitch for long as he lost his wicket to J Ball after playing 6 balls. Jadav and Kohli managed a solid 200 runs partnership
England’s tour of India consists of 5 Tests, 3 ODIs and 3 T20 matches. As Indian squad chased the 351 run target with ease, the team is expected to perform better in the upcoming matches. Jadhav, who is from Pune made his ODI debut in 2014 against Sri Lanka. This was his second One Day International century and was special for him as he was playing in the home state. Apart from Saurav Ganguly, this talented batsman also got praised by Virat Kohli.